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The Unknown: Last Month of 2020

My conclusion for 2020 so far is that there is strength in not knowing ...

Before the pandemic I planned, I prepared for what I thought would be the next chapter to my journey. In March I had plans to move to New York finally, after years of wanting to live in the big city, I was so excited about the move that when it didn't happen I was devastated. Based on how this year has been I am sure you can relate, to the feeling I felt. I didn't know what was next for me, but the feeling was familiar. I felt this way before when I quit my 9-5 back in 2018 because I felt like God was calling me into another direction. What I learned during that time of not knowing was to trust in God. What people don't mention is that trusting in God takes time and time with Him is exactly what built that trust... it was also a difficult time, now when I look back, I realize I was in quarantine, I didn't have the income to travel, to go out to eat, or to do things I was so accustomed to doing with my salary. My life was different.

Fast forward to 2020, I am living in the unknown...and my life is different again ...but I am in familiar territory. At the beginning of the year, I was working at Sephora as a Makeup Artist, & I loved working there but I felt like God was pulling me in another direction. The thing about hearing from God you really won't know until you do ( step out on faith) "what you think HE is asking "... and I thought that was the move to New York but that wasn't the case. And what was my frustration at the time would turn into gratitude weeks later, because we'd be in a pandemic and the job I was going to transfer to in the city was letting people go (God's Protection ). The quarantine was starting & everything was shut down, including Sephora. Funny enough, I was lead to start a virtual book club and through the book club, I was able to relaunch QueensKnow and through QueensKnow I was able to do the Annual Haitian Women Empowerment Brunch virtually. My yes to the Book Club provided me with opportunities that I couldn't see or plan for ...all in a pandemic. I even wrote a journal, called The Good Plan: Mind Body & Soul

And when things opened back up I would be in a position to work full time as an Entrepreneur, a goal I've had for myself for such a long time...

Now as you go into the last month of the year, I want to encourage you not to be afraid of the unknown... I want to encourage you to step out on faith... things may not be what you thought the first time around but give Him your time ...and your strength will grow. Faith in one thing will create room in other areas of your life. I can only speak on what I've experienced and if there's one thing I know is that the unknown is and has been my strength.


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